01 october 2020

INFORMING All Persons Wishing to Go to Republic of Artsakh  

INFORMING All Persons Wishing to Go to Republic of Artsakh   


The National Security Service of the Republic of Armenia informs that since 1 October 2020 checkpoints are operating, therefore, the movement of all persons and vehicles going to the Republic of Artsakh will be ensured only by the presence of relevant documents.

All those persons who, within the framework of the mobilization of the defense system, have the appropriate registrations, and their departure is carried out on the initiative of the territorial military commissariats, will have the opportunity to enter the Republic of Artsakh through these checkpoints.

At the same time, it is reported that all those volunteers who, for various legal reasons, do not have a registration, however, nevertheless wish to go and take part in hostilities, must have a written permission from the RA Ministry of Defense.

We call on all citizens to ensure that this essential requirement is met unconditionally.